
WordPress Mobile App Teams Seek Feedback


The development teams behind the WordPress apps for Android, BlackBerry, and iOS are seeking feedback for their upcoming releases.

The blog posts linked to above include instructions on how to contribute to each mobile app. All three mobile app teams are looking for feedback on the current release and beta testers for future releases.

As a user of the WordPress app on my iPhone, I can attest that the app has grown tremendously in its usefulness since it premiered, mostly due to comments from users like us. Let’s do whatever we can to help the mobile app teams make these upcoming releases the best yet!




  1. quicoto says:

    I will test the Android one soon. I’m getting a HTC đŸ™‚

  2. Richard Hay says:

    When will we get an app for Windows Mobile for working on our WP sites?

    • James Huff says:

      I’m sure they’ll have one soon. Automattic is currently looking to hire a mobile engineer who will “work on apps for Android, Pre, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, iPhone, and other platforms using such interfaces like our XML-RPC API.”

      For now, you should be able to use WPhone for self-hosted blogs (I haven’t tested it since 2.9.2) and moBlog for blogs (I’ve never used it myself, but it was recommended by a friend).

  3. Kayleen says:

    Is this the right place to give comments on the ipad app “WordPress”? It is not scoring correctly. I use letters and it does not give credit (points) to me. Some letters stay the opponents colour. I have deleted and reloaded the game but it still does not work correctly on every game. It used to work correctly, it still works correcly for some games.

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