Tutorial: Creating Custom Write Panels in WordPress.: A fantastic, detailed and quite useful tutorial on creating custom write panels for the WordPress Write Post page. I had written something similar for the WordPress Jobs site and it turned out to be a fantastic tool to quickly get to and add/modify Custom Fields in posts. Custom write panels are most useful for customized installations of WordPress and could be used to add many different types of information into a post both easily and quickly. The image below shows a couple of examples of custom panels and I am sure there are hundreds more.
This tutorial makes use of Custom Fields in WordPress using the various functions that help manage Custom Fields (I keep typing customer), and is a shining example of how useful and flexible Custom Fields can be in developing a full CMS with WordPress.
Since the final code is included in the tutorial, if you were to put together a Custom Write Panel for your blog with the help of the tutorial, what would you use it for? I would love to use it to add updates to posts, which would then be displayed with some extra styling and markup to denote the change in status of the item in the post.
I’ve seen custom fields being used in a theme here or there but I have yet to really take a look around to see how powerful of a feature custom fields really is. I’ll have to give this a good read through
I’ve already been using this for thumbnails, meta descriptions, and keywords for a while. I have quite a few other uses that I need to convert over from regular custom fields as well.
You’ll see something like this in my next theme (beta version should be released within a day).
Custom fields are great and custom panels on the Write Post screen make them incredibly simple for the average user to use. I’ve written a number of plugins for clients where all they really wanted was the custom panels (plus the custom field integration into the theme, obviously). Using it for adding updates to the end of a post with special styling is a real simple thing, I don’t imagine it would take more then 20 minutes to make.
I came across a plugin called More Fields a little while back, which essentially allows users to create additional fields for their post easily, which I think is related to what is being shown here, so thought I’d share it with others too 🙂 http://labs.dagensskiva.com/plugins/more-fields/
Check out the Flutter plugin.
The link for this great post is no longer working. Does anyone have a copy of it they could share?
thank you
They do seem to be down. Here is a Google cache version.
This is quite long time ago, I am wondering if it works for WordPress 3.0 Write Panel?