
WordPress Plugin Releases for 08/08

August 8th, 2008
WordPress Plugins

Random Redirect

Allows you to create a link to which will redirect someone to a random post on your blog, in a StumbleUpon-like fashion.

My Bookmarks

If you are using delicious or simpy as your bookmarking tool, this plugin is for you. This will help a WordPress user to show his valuable bookmarks on sidebar.

Blogging Tips

Similar to the Hello Dolly format, which puts a line of lyrics in the upper right hand space in the Word Press Administration screen, the blogging tips plugins displays random blogging tips and suggestions. The tips are just some ideas of what you can do to improve the popularity of your blog and improve the content. All of the tips are designed to inspire you to be a better blogger.


Display banners(resized images) from your posts automatically. You can supply it parameters like banner size, post filters and maximum amount of banners to be shown.

Gravatar Recent Comments

ZdWidgetComments, also named Gravatar recent comments is a plugin providing you with a “Top/last commenters” widget but instead of just displaying names, it also displays gravatars.

Open Picture Window

Opens a new browser window containing the image specified using JavaScript. You have the option to choose the features as well as choose if you want it to be centered.




  1. I think the redirect plugin might be kind of cool if it actually works. Sending someone to a random post would be more exciting than simply sending them to the homepage. I might go on and give it a try!

  2. Random Redirect sound golden. Any plugin that adds more interesting ways to find posts is a good thing. And replacing Hello Dolly (which always seemed kind of pointless to me), with Blogging Tips is a no-brainer. Thanks!

  3. Aniets says:

    i had the firestat plugin installed. and it worked before…
    but now i cannot see the button to use it.

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