I want to release a beta version of the Three Strikes Plugin exclusively written for WordPress 1.5. Newer comment spam features built into the 1.5 code needed to be exploited and this plugin makes use of one such feature.
New features include:
- Better Bayesian Filtering – the bayesian code has been updated a little to train better, fixed some bugs
- Better training on install – Used some of the new features in WP 1.5 to train the filter at install
- More bugfixes and workarounds for WordPress 1.5
Please leave bugs/suggestions as comments. Thanks for trying it out.
Download link for Three Strikes 1.5 Beta Plugin for WordPress 1.5
[EDIT] I left a debug statement in the code which would have borked commenting, fixed in the download.
[EDIT] As a suggestion for testers/users of this plugin, get some good and some spam comments first before you install it. The plugin does not work well on brand new blogs, by design.
I think I’m missing a few things here. I have a fresh update of 1.5, a handful of things classified a priori as spam (a small percentage of my overall comments mind you), built the bayes databases.
almost any comment i manually add i receive ‘this is spam’.
trying to ‘train’ it as per the instructions (dont use the moderation system, use mass edit/delete as spam instead) doesn’t work – there is no ‘delete as spam’ button in 1.5 any more for me…
the only other plugin i have running is markdown.
any thoughts?
Looking into the bugs
Have you activated the plugin through your admin?
There was a bug with the “this is spam” message and that is fixed in the download.
Make sure the plugin is activated and you SHOULD see the delete as spam button when you are in mass edit mode for comments.
Can I run this in tandem with Spaminator ?
You should be able to. This should pick up before the spaminator, but I might be wrong about that. If something clashes (such as redefinition of a function) please let me know.
did a fresh install a few minutes ago, administrator activated it. still don’t see the delete as spam button for some reason. tweaked the settings a little and i don’t get the ‘this is spam’ but still did with the ‘default’ settings.
Did you do the fresh install with a FRESH download? I have fixed those bugs in the download.
Fresh update (like 1 second ago as I was told to get a new update due to fix in debug statement).
I am still getting this error whenever posting a comment.
Warning: Division by zero in /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bayes/class.naivebayesian.php on line 82
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bayes/class.naivebayesian.php:82) in /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-comments-post.php on line 44
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bayes/class.naivebayesian.php:82) in /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-comments-post.php on line 45
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bayes/class.naivebayesian.php:82) in /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-comments-post.php on line 46
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bayes/class.naivebayesian.php:82) in /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-comments-post.php on line 48
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bayes/class.naivebayesian.php:82) in /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-comments-post.php on line 49
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bayes/class.naivebayesian.php:82) in /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-comments-post.php on line 50
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bayes/class.naivebayesian.php:82) in /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-comments-post.php on line 51
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bayes/class.naivebayesian.php:82) in /usr/home/zero/domains/obscurethoughts.net/public_html/wp-comments-post.php on line 55
I think I know where I am screwing up. In every test that I have performed, I have removed the three tables created by this plugin and then installed again. Can you do the same?
They should be nb_categories, nb_references and nb_wordfreqs
I am on the IRC channel #wordpress on irc.freenode.net if you want live help
I am currently having this problem also.
I removed the tables then installed again.
But still the same thing happens.
Is it a problem with the prefix nb_?
Please make sure that there are a few comments that are good and a few comments in your blog that you have moderated as spam. This has to have been done in WordPress 1.5 This plugin learns from those comments and will not function without them.
I can’t seem to find any “common spam words” area in my admin.
You’ve wrote in the instrudtions.txt:
“…paste them into the “Common Spam Words” form in the admin of your blog”
Where is the “Common Spam Words” form? I cannot find it
Have installed this on my 1.5 blog that I converted from 1.2.1 and it works well via FireFox, but users of IE6 get sent automatically to the fbi.gov page. I’ve checked the list and there are no blank lines. If I turn off 3-strikes, the IE leaves comments OK.
I had previously been using 3-strikes alpha on the 1.2.1 ver. and noticed a lot of error messages when trying to initialize the plugin as per the install instructions. If this is a corrupt database issue, which tables need to be deleted in MySQL and what would be the best way to reinstall?