WPBlacklist 2.8 is out. What’s new? Basically, a few new features that people were missing – such as the ability to check comments already held for moderation (maybe because the comment already had too many links or because you moderate all comments) against the WPBlacklist blacklist :p Before this, people setting all comments to be moderated were out of luck if they wanted to use the auto-deletion feature of WPBlacklist since the plugin would either delete all comments held for moderation (if you checked the deleted comments held for moderation outside of WPBlacklist option) or simply hold everything and not check the comments against the blacklist. This has now been fixed. In addition to this, I’ve also added the option to harvest data for the blacklist from comments found via the search feature and made a few minor enhancements. One major bug fixed was the inclusion of code to check if the author e-mail or URL are blank. Prior to this release, if the comment author e-mail or URL was blank and you had harvesting turned on, you would get a blank item added to the blacklist and this would result in each and every comment being blacklisted.
Does it give the user the ability to edit the list once it has been imported–to correct over zealous blacklists, for example–or to easily uninstall the entire WPBlacklist if there are problems?