I have started upgrading my blogs to WordPress 1.2 and there might be some disruption in services in the process. Thank you for bearing with me. In the meantime, please check out the new theme/style for my Mindful Musings blog. I opted for a very simplistic, almost MT like look to prove to some of the “designers” that all WordPress blogs do not have to look the same. If there is any interest in that template, I will release the code for distribution.
Please let me know what you think.
WordPress says it’s easy upgrading. But you have to replace the whole thing, and then upgrade or what…? I ended up throwing the old out and installing a new WordPress 1.2… BTW did you look at the FeedDemon to WordPress hack in the weekend… ? 😉
This was a crazy weekend, I did not get a chance.
Looks very good. Very clean.