
APAD: Feed Copyrighter




  1. LcF (19 comments.) says:

    I found the link “Plugin by Taragana” on every blog post in the feed. Is it optional or required? Found an alternative but need translation.

  2. Ajay (209 comments.) says:

    LcF, I’m not sure about the necessity of the line. It is a separate variable in the code.

  3. Ozh (88 comments.) says:

    I use my own Better Feed plugin. Don’t know if it’s better or not than taragana, but it surely does suit my needs and it’s highly configurable as usual (judging from your review, mine seems to have more features anyway)

  4. Chris (3 comments.) says:

    I’ve had better luck just setting my blog to summary, not full. I used this plug in for a while, but when I had a very short post (a sentence or two), which caused the plugin message to show in the preview pane in bloglines, this plugin would ping bloglines half to death (even with Smart Update Pinger running). I had to disable the Feed Copyrighter…

  5. Ajay (209 comments.) says:

    As far as I know this plugin doesn’t ping bloglines

  6. Chris (3 comments.) says:

    I know it isn’t supposed to! But there was definitely a weird interaction with the short post and the plugin, until the plugin was deactivated.

  7. Ajay (209 comments.) says:

    Possible, because you need to use this only when your serving full feeds


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