
WordPress Plugin Releases for 1/26

January 26th, 2007
WordPress, WordPress Hack, WordPress Plugins



  1. Big Roy (1 comments.) says:

    I’m glad to see the Wikipedia No-Follow plugin. I was trying to think of a way to deal with their decision since I link to them so much.

    Thanks for the site. One of the best resources around for WP.

  2. Mostly Technical (6 comments.) says:

    I think that linking to Wikipedia with nofollow is silly. Wikipedia is a great resource. If you don’t like it, don’t link to it! How many links from Wikipedea are there to your blog anyhow? No doubt they are using it to prevent editing for the sake of link-spamming. This may be one of the few legitimate uses of rel=nofollow out there.

    More of a problem is the rel=nofollow added to most blog comment URLs. This includes most readers of this comment. It actually includes my blog because it comes built in to WordPress. I am actually looking at installing a plugin to remove that.

    Anyhow, my point is “look who’s calling the kettle black”. Unless of course those who link to Wikipedia don’t have rel=nofollow on URLs in comments. Even then, the idea of linking to Wikipedia rel=nofollow is silly in my opinion.

  3. SEO (1 comments.) says:

    yeah… those stupid wiki’s!
    wonder what happen if we all use nofollow to them?

    Have a good one.


  1. […] In den letzten Tagen wurde immer wieder das Thema “NoFollow” besprochen. Los ging das ganze Thema bei Frank im SEO Marketing Blog. Das Thema wird rech kontrovers besprochen. Die einen sagen NoFollow ist gegen den Spam: Dr. Web Weblog, oder haben sogar Listen aufgestellt in denen die NoFollow-Blogs aufgelistet werden. Interessiert habe ich mir dann heute das neue Plugin für WordPress angeschaut: Wikipedia-NoFollow will add a a rel=”nofollow” to all your outgoing links to Wikipedia Ein Plugin welcher das NoFollow-Attribute für Wikipedia setzt? Wikipedia macht es schliesslich genau so, denn für externen Links setzt Wikipedia auch das NoFollow. Aus diesem Grund wurde dieses Plugin entwickelt. Jetzt kann die Diskussion also weitergehen. Wer installiert das Plugin? […]

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